Cycling routes in Mallorca

In Mallorca there are many places suitable for cycling. One of the most popular routes for cyclists is the Serra de Tramuntana. This mountain range is located in the north of Mallorca, and has breathtaking scenery along the way.

One advantage of cycling routes in Mallorca is undoubtedly the climate of the Balearic Islands. Mallorca has more than 300 days of sunshine throughout the year. Therefore, here at Agroturismo Ses Vistes, we invite you to experience the thrill of cycling routes in Mallorca.


Rutas ciclistas en Mallorca

En Mallorca hay muchos lugares aptos para el ciclismo. Una de las rutas más populares para los ciclistas es la Serra de Tramuntana. Esta cadena montañosa está situada en el norte de Mallorca, y cuenta con impresionantes paisajes durante el recorrido.

Una ventaja de las rutas en bicicletas en Mallorca, es sin duda, el clima de las Islas Baleares. Mallorca cuenta con más de 300 días de sol a lo largo del año. Por eso, aquí en Agroturismo Ses Vistes, te invitamos a experimentar la emoción de las rutas ciclistas de Mallorca.


Where to go on vacations in Majorca

Mallorca is that paradisiacal island where to rest and spend a unique vacation, the only thing you need to know is where to go on vacations in Mallorca. There are many villages where to rest and relax, but today we want to recommend you a very special one.

Located in the center of the island you will find Porreras, a village with a lot of charm which, thanks to being in the center of the island, you can be close to the most beautiful beaches of Mallorca and also to the beautiful Serra de Tramuntana.

If you want to know more about Porreras and where to stay in Porreras, keep reading!


Porreras is a beautiful village in the south center of Mallorca. Its stone streets and quiet atmosphere make it the perfect place to spend an unforgettable vacation. In addition, it has a variety of monuments that you must see.

Among them, on the outskirts and on a small mountain, you will find the Sanctuary of the Mare de Déu de Monti-sion. A beautiful place where you will fall in love with the panoramic views of Mallorca.

Walking through the village you will also find two very distinguished churches. One of them is the Church of Sant Felip Neri and the other one is the Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de la Consolación.

Another of the typical monuments of Mallorca and especially of Porreras that you will be able to observe in its streets are the windmills.

Agrotourism Ses Vistes

If you want to visit Porreras and you do not know where to stay, do not hesitate to choose Agroturismo Ses Vistes. A quiet place where you will enjoy all kinds of amenities and where we want you to feel at home.

With a swimming pool where you can refresh yourself, solarium area and many other services and facilities, we assure you that you will not lack anything during your vacations in Mallorca!

This year, do not hesitate and come and enjoy Agroturismo Ses Vistes Porreras.

Donde ir de vacaciones en Mallorca

Mallorca es esa isla paradisiaca donde descansar y pasar unas vacaciones únicas, lo único que necesitas saber es dónde ir de vacaciones en Mallorca. Hay muchísimos pueblos donde descansar y relajarte, pero hoy te queremos recomendar uno muy especial. 

Situado en el centro de la isla encontrarás Porreras, un pueblo con muchísimo encanto el cual, gracias a estar en el centro de la isla, podrás estar cerca de las playas más bonitas de Mallorca y también de la preciosa Serra de Tramuntana. 

Si quieres saber más sobre Porreras y dónde dormir en Porreras ¡sigue leyendo!


Activities in Mallorca

If you are organizing your vacations to the island and you still don’t know what activities to do in Mallorca, today we want to tell you all about them. From the simple fact of relaxing in the sun on the best beaches of the Mediterranean, to more active activities such as cycling, hiking or diving and snorkeling.


Actividades en Mallorca

Si estás organizando tus vacaciones a la isla y aún no sabes qué actividades en Mallorca hacer, hoy te las queremos contar todas. Desde el simple hecho de descansar al sol en las mejores playas del Mediterráneo, como más actividades más movidas como ciclismo, senderismo o buceo y snorkel. 


Mallorca in summer

Mallorca is one of the islands of the Balearic Islands, every year millions of travelers come to spend the summer in Mallorca and it does not surprise us at all since it is the ideal destination to enjoy a vacation to the maximum. In Majorca we can find a great quantity of beaches and coves that can be enjoyed, especially in the summer months when the climate of Majorca is ideal for it. (más…)

Mallorca en verano

Mallorca es una de las islas de las Islas Baleares, cada año acuden millones de viajeros para pasar el verano en Mallorca y no nos sorprende en absoluto ya que es el destino ideal para disfrutar al máximo de unas vacaciones. Mallorca en verano  podemos encontrar una gran cantidad de playas y calas que se pueden disfrutar, sobre todo en los meses de verano cuando el clima de Mallorca es ideal para ello. (más…)

Porreras Mallorca

If you come on vacation to Porreras Mallorca and you are looking for nature, tranquility and rest, we recommend you to come to Porreras, a small village located in the south center of Mallorca. The island of Mallorca is not only paradisiacal beaches and crystalline coves, in the interior of Mallorca and Porreras we can find great treasures that the island hides.

Apart from nature and an incredible rural environment, in Porreras you can stroll through its streets and enjoy the tranquility and harmony that this inland village of Mallorca offers you.


Porreras Mallorca

Si vienes de vacaciones a Mallorca y buscas naturaleza, tranquilidad y descanso, te recomendamos que vengas a Porreras Mallorca, un pequeño pueblo situado en el centro sur de Mallorca.  La isla de Mallorca no son solo playas paradisíacas y calas cristalinas, en el interior de Mallorca y Porreras podemos encontrar grandes tesoros que esconde la isla. 

Aparte de naturaleza y un increíble entorno rural, en Porreras puedes pasear por sus calles y disfrutar de la tranquilidad y armonía que te ofrece este pueblo del interior de Mallorca.  (más…)